Saturday, December 24, 2011

tough talk

alright time for some straight between the eyes talk - I'm a people watcher by nature, and given what I do, that often includes analysis. I can't help it, you mix an engineering, medic, and strength training background and the world around me turns into one of forces, vectors, and biomechanics.

Anyway, I would like to take a moment to have people take a step back at what they do in the gym. Think about what you are doing. What muscle are you working? Is it the one you are trying to target? Are you using others that you shouldn't (or should be merely accessory to the prime mover)?
So often I see people just slinging weights around and then they wonder why they don't see any change. Sometimes you need to slow down and focus! I was always told in my martial arts training to leave your issues with your shoes (we trained barefoot). It's the same with the gym, when you are lifting you need to focus on lifting. Not only will you see greater gains because the muscles you are trying to improve will be the ones activating and getting the input to adapt, but also you will have a greater chance of avoiding injury. When you are distracted and just throwing weights around, you risk using compensatory muscles that really shouldn't be used for a certain movement, or you don't notice the imbalance in the exercise therefor you reinforce it (which leads to many overuse injuries), or you simply don't create any sort of useable activation and you waste your time and the time of anyone who may be waiting to use the machine (one of my pet peeves, waiting for a machine while someone hogs it and uses it horribly wrong).

Another thing I notice in the gym, is the use of accessories. This time I'm talking about actual accessories like weight belts, shaper shoes, etc. First of all, unless you are a power lifter and have a ton of weight you are lifting, you don't need a weight belt. If you have an underlying condition that requires spinal stability that should be addressed first and foremost before you even think of adding weight. Fix the problem rather than put a bandaid on it. Second, using a weight belt to support your core all time weakens your core because it doesn't need to turn on. It's my same reason why I won't wear any sort of brace unless absolutely necessary. I want the muscle to learn to do the work, I don't want it to be used to having a "crutch". Third, you don't need a weight belt to do tricep presses on the cable machine, or to do lateral raises  (especially if you are a woman using 5 lb dumbbells - saw this while I was on the stepmill this morning), or most exercises for that matter. Again, let your core do the work it is suppose to do and if it is not able to support you - you need to address that issue first!
Now, onto shoes - my lord has the fitness industry strayed in this area. Shaper shoes have been proven to NOT WORK! What they have shown is that people simply move more when they have the shoes - it's called a placebo affect. Hey if that works for you I guess I shouldn't argue but think about this, you aren't meant to constantly be walking on unstable surfaces...dare I say it again...overuse injury waiting to happen. Onto the Five Finger shoes...ugh those things are ugly. And quite frankly freak me out a bit they look so funny. The original purpose of those shoes was for boat/marina use, which was my first thought was hey kayaking shoes! (now there is a purpose I would wear them for - they would be great water shoes). I can see their use for lifts, particular leg days with squats etc, they take away the slight heel lift that a regular sneaker has and are akin to being barefoot, but, for me, I simply would go barefoot (radical idea huh). Running in them though? that is a lot psi (pounds per square inch) being put into the contact points of your foot with each step. Those forces then travel up the body, through the knees, to the back, and well... no thanks I'll stick with my asics/Nikes, I like a little cushion there.

Well, I guess that's it for my rant today - more to come on form and nutrition no doubt as I see it daily but for now - i'm out :)
Happy Holidays!

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