Saturday, November 26, 2011


so i wrote earlier about being up for a long time then sleeping for a long time, well its back to being awake - only this time i really should go to bed, i have to be up early tomorrow morning, unfortunately i'm not any where near tired, so i'm hear typing on my blog, hopefully with practice i'll get better at blogging and the thoughtful words will flow from my brain to my fingers. but for now i'll just ramble on until i stumble upon a topic, i pulled up to the keyboard with the notion of discussing insomnia, it is a subject i'm quite familiar with but then when i got here to this window my mind went blank about what to say about it. granted prior to getting to this window i checked gmail, facebook, edited a few settings and finished off my cup of hot cocoa (well that's what i pretend it to be, it's really heated up protein shake - chocolate peanut butter flavored - but it's close to hot cocoa if you haven't had hot cocoa in awhile and have forgotten what it tastes like).
hmm i hear an ornament being banged around outside my office - wonder which one Max pulled off this time. I know it is him because Salem doesn't do those types of things, he is much more of a tap pens and pencils around til they fall off the table type of cat. needless to say i spend a lot of time picking stuff up.

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