Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paula Deen

Recently Paula Deen is being chastised for her cooking and coming out 3 years later with the news that she has type 2 diabetes.....

Is it just me or does anyone else think this is ridiculous? I love Paula Deen and enjoy the entertainment of her show.That doesn't mean I go out and make everything she cooks on there - heck I can't make anything that she cooks on there really because of my profession. That also doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching it be cooked/baked/fried.

Paula Deen never made the claim that her food was health food. She has said on her show prior to all this hullabaloo that she does not eat this way everyday and that everything should be in moderation. You can't get diabetes by watching Paula Deen's show. I don't understand why they want her to turn it into a health food show - that's not what she does, it's not who she is, and let's face it there are plenty out there all ready. Paula's show simply showcases southern cooking. Southern cooking traditionally is not the healthiest out there.

Paula Deen simply has to do her part to manage her diabetes on her own. Let her take care of herself - she has a loving family and plenty of supportive fans out there that all wish her the best. Why slam her for this? I simply don't get it. It's a show- that's it. She isn't forcing the food down your throat - hell she isn't even broadcast at a prime time of tv viewing to my knowledge. Her son is starting a new show that makes her recipes more healthy. I say let Paula continue to showcase her southern culture and let her son do his thing by taking those recipes and making them healthier. A responsible diabetic will know that they can't eat that food - stop putting the blame on her for your diabetes/weight. Let her take responsibility of her own situation but don't try to put the whole epidemic on her.

What it boils down to is healthy choices. And the only one responsible for your healthy choices is you.

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